Is this halal? Like an act of electromagnetism, Muslim dinners are drawn to this particular provocation.

What distinguishes Scotland from the rest of the world? If you were to ask people at random, a flurry of responses are likely to emerge.

Heaven forbid one day the phrase ‘ask ChatGPT’ becomes as colloquial as ‘google it!’ Only time will tell.

Capital has many meanings. But what do these meanings mean? The following definitions of capital are adapted from the Google English Dictionary definition compiled by Oxford Languages.

Transitions. The word conjures images of changes that are or are hoped to be smooth and orderly –childhood to maturity, day to night and night to day, the four seasons.

In no particular order, here are some of the quotes from the more recent past that have caught our imagination. 

Ten contradictions associated with what we commonly think of as liberalism – in no particular order. We’ve applied analysis, speculation and eye-rolling in liberal doses. 

Our bodies undergo a tremendous amount of change throughout our life. Music heard in adulthood is never quite as good as that discovered in youth and food never matches the love and comfort of a parent or grandparent’s particular method for combining the ingredients of your favourite dish.