The last twenty-five years, rife with numerous banking and financial crises, has re-emphasised two factual realities. First, that the current banking/financial system is inherently unstable. Second, that the system is unjust.

Turkey has been in my imagination for a long time, ever since I learnt its heritage and modern legacies. I was and continue to be fascinated by its historical and modern development.

For the uninitiated, the Koch Brothers is the household moniker given to two of the four sons of Mr Fred C. Koch. Charles and David were kings of the Koch Mountain.

One night after dark when his brothers were already asleep his father, returning home even later than usual, called him out to the yard. Excitement was crackling in his eyes and voice. So Ali stepped out carefully, open-eyed, pointed foot following pointed foot.

In Search for the Lost Orient is a book length interview in which Roy recounts his life and adventures, explains his ideas, and critiques essentialised notions of Islam.

Capital has many meanings. But what do these meanings mean? The following definitions of capital are adapted from the Google English Dictionary definition compiled by Oxford Languages.